Show Your Personality in You’re Senior Pictures
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Wednesday, May 22, 2024
By Kari Douma Photography
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You’ve spent the last 16-18 years becoming who you are today.  It wasn’t an easy road.  You have had some ups and some downs, and somewhere along the way you have shaped the person whom you have become.  You’re life is about to suddenly become different. Everyday the future becomes more real. It’s time to celebrate who you are today.  This might be an uncomfortable thing for you, since it is something that you haven’t done before!  When you are preparing for your senior pictures, it is easy to focus on “What to Wear for Your Senior Pictures”.  But, lets take a minute to get real.  Let’s take a minute to talk about how to show the world WHO YOU ARE in your senior pictures.  Here are some ways you can do just that.  

Show Us Your Accomplishments

You’ve worked hard to be where you are!  You have enjoyed life, and you need to show everyone what you have done!  Do you take dance lesions?  Do you play a musical instrument?  Do you play a sport? Were you in the school play?  Did you win an art contest?  Do you love chemistry?  Did you just earn your pilot’s license?  Did you hit a home run at your baseball game?  Let’s tell your story through your senior pictures!  What seems like an every day occurrence at this time of your life will turn out to be a big accomplishment later in live, so we need to document that now!  Bring along your jersey, glove, instrument, easels with your art, or even schedule your session at the filed, on stage, or at the airstrip.

Show Your Individuality

You are unique.  You are special.  You are the only person who is exactly like you.  Your circumstances over the last 16-18 years have formed you into someone that no one else can duplicate.  So, let’s show the world what makes you unique.  When I am consulting with a senior, we talk about these things.  Where is your favorite place?  If it is the beach, let’s do your pictures at the beach!  If it is on the bike, let’s do some images with your bike!  If your pet is important to you, let’s add your pet in some pictures!  What color looks the best on you?  What is your best feature?  Let’s feature that in your pictures!  I want to tell the story of who you are!  

Accessorize Your Session

A little planning goes a long way!  With a little extra thought, adding the right accessories to your pictures can make your pictures look great!  Girls… add a great necklace or earrings.  Make sure your shoes are rocking with that outfit!  Guys, don’t forget your stylish watch or favorite hat! Here are some ideas of great accessories: 

  • Shoes: Make sure you have shoes that match your outfit and are in good condition.  
  • Hat: Do you have that favorite “instagram worthy” hat?  You know the one… it makes you look great?   
  • Jacket or vest:  Bring along that cool suit coat for downtown… or a fun leather jacket.  Layers work great and give variety in your pictures!
  • Jewelry: Your jewelry can bring in the tiny details that matter.  Don’t forget your necklace, earrings, belt buckle, or your class ring!
  • Sunglasses… your sunglasses say a lot about you!  They are unique to your personality, and stay a lot about your style!  Let’s do a few pictures with them!
  • Car/Truck:  Do you drive your dream car?  Have you worked hours on fixing up your truck?  No you say?  Well, your car is an important part of your life right now!  It drives you to school… it drives you and your friends to events and gatherings… it drives you through that late night drive through.  I PROMISE YOU, you will want to remember that car someday.  (I wish I had a picture of me and my first car!) Whether your car is in perfect condition, or if it is a rust bucket that gets you from point A to point B, let’s document it!  25 years from now you will look back with great memories on that car.
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